If you believe in what Silent Voices is doing, please consider supporting us – every gift – no matter how large or small – makes a difference in the lives of our moms and their children! 


Are you a Thrivent Member? If so, you have Thrivent Choice Dollars you can direct towards Silent Voices! Go to Thrivent.com/thriventchoice to learn more. Or call 800-847-4836 and say “Thrivent Choice” after the prompt. They also have Action Teams that can help us with projects and/or events! If you have any questions about how Action Teams work, call 800-847-4836 and say “Action Teams” after the prompt.

Donate to our Real Choices Market

We are ALWAYS in need of diapers (sizes 4-6) and baby wipes and personal care items. To make it easy for people to donate these items, we’ve created two online locations where you can see our Real Choices Market Needs.


Walmart Baby Registry


Amazon Baby Registry


If you believe in what Silent Voices is doing, please consider supporting us – every gift – no matter how large or small – makes a difference in the lives of our moms and their children!