We are in urgent need of volunteers! If you’re an RN, RDMS or MD, we need to build our volunteer medical team! We also need volunteers to serve as Client Advocates. We will provide all training necessary!


Join our Mobile Clinic Staff

Mobile Medical Unit

Help Fund Our Mobile Medical Unit – Donate Today!

Silent Voices has made the decision to “Go Mobile” with a Save the Storks van!  Our Mobile Medical Unit was delivered in October of 2018, and we’re working hard to get us to the point where we can offer limited obstetrical ultrasound services to expectant mothers on board for FREE. We’re also growing Our medical team who are willing to volunteer their time and expertise to provide the excellent care our clients need – and deserve.  We’re looking for Registered Nurses, RDMS, and MDs (especially OB/Gyn or Radiology specialties). We hope you will want to partner with us!

If you’d like us to bring the Mobile to your church or group, contact Delaiah Luna to set a date!  619-422-0757

Going mobile will allow Silent Voices/Real Choices Chula Vista to save more lives not only in Chula Vista, but also in the surrounding communities. This mobile presence allows us to meet women where they are, and to help them in their most vulnerable moments by providing a Free Ultrasound on the Mobile!

Our partnership with Save the Storks is going to revolutionize the way we reach – and serve – abortion vulnerable women in our community! Save the Storks has put together a professional package that includes a quality Mercedes-Benz Sprinter van uniquely outfitted specifically for the needs of a mobile medical unit! They have created a partnership model that will include a long-term relationship with us, rather than simply a business transaction. Through this supportive relationship we will be able to utilize marketing tools, counseling, strategic planning opportunities, localized grants, and continued monthly operational support.

Save the Storks believes that extravagance can be an expression of love, so no expense has been spared to make the mobile medical units inviting and comfortable for the mothers who receive an ultrasound and counseling.

When women feel loved and cared for – and know they will have support – they’re more likely to keep their babies. All of these things are communicated through the intricate detail and inviting interior design of the Stork Bus. We believe that this is the best product of its kind – and we want nothing but the best for our clients!

Our Stork Bus will allow us to reach clients that may have never heard of Silent Voices/Real Choices Chula Vista, and what we have to offer. This mobile unit can be parked at the beach, pier, across from Southwestern Community College, near local high schools, as well as in the parking lots of our church partners. We will also be partnering with sidewalk counselors in the South Bay to park the Stork Bus near local abortion providers/clinics when they are there to point clients our direction.

We believe that our Stork Bus will radically improve our ability to reach women who would otherwise never know we exist. Being out in the community in a highly visible vehicle will draw attention to the fact that there are more options available to them than the local abortion clinic. We know that through mobile ministries, other centers have increased the number of women served by 400%, resulting in more lives saved. We’re excited to see similar results! Our vision and mission have always been to serve abortion vulnerable women – to save the unborn – and the Stork Bus will give us more opportunities to do that than we could ever hope for in our “brick and mortar” offices! More women will be empowered to choose life through our Options Education, seeing ultrasound images of their own baby, and learning the truth about the value of life!

Once these women have chosen life for their precious little ones, they will have access to all of the programs we have to offer at our office, including our Bridges to Motherhood program. The goal of that program is to equip women to be the best moms they can be. We teach parenting classes as well as life skills, further empowering them to become all that God created them to be! Their family units will become stronger as a result – and stronger families means stronger communities!